9. The Power and Limitation of Kriya Yoga


Kriya Yoga, widely known in Eastern Part of India, is given in different forms to aspirants by different Gurus. In Guru Shishya Parampra (tradition of Master – disciple), is existing in established traditions and the same is being transferred from one Guru to another. For example, Kriya Yoga was transmitted from Baba Ji to Lahari mahashaya to Yukteswar Swami to Paramhansa Yogananda Ji.

For more, please visit below link:

https://www.amazon.in/POWER-LIMITATION-KRIYA-YOGA-Described-ebook/dp/B01LQEPCVU?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20power%20and%20limitation%20of%20kriya%20yoga&qid=  1473683578&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1